Flora & Fauna
Observe and Conserve

Animals around Tamala
The Shark Bay World Heritage Region is a mecca for visitors interested in discovering the unique and diverse wildlife. Ten species of mammals, 98 species of reptiles and over 100 species of land based, wading and migratory birds live along the shore and in the coastal desert of the Bay. While several endangered mammals survive on Shark Bay’s offshore islands, a large number of species have disappeared from arid parts of mainland Australia.

Being at the northern extreme of the southern wildflower varieties and at the southern extreme of the northern varieties – Shark Bay has the longest wildflower season of any part of Western Australia and has over 700 species of flowering plants. Of these, more than 150 species are of special scientific interest – many exclusive to the Shark Bay World Heritage Area. The aromatic Tamala rose is one of the region’s most well known and showy species. The Shark Bay daisy, Royce’s Gum, Rogerson’s grevillea and golden lambstail are also confined to the Shark Bay region. The sceptre banksia puts out spectacular large flower-spikes in summer and, after good winter rains, everlastings often grow in massive drifts of colour that will surprise and delight visitors.